23:49 27.09.2013SWE Devil Summer? O_O I thought I was in Hell. xD Well yes I had a great summer =) Thank you for asking ^_^ Anyways, does anyone play NOLF these days? Just wondering o_0 Cya around!
Greetings to all of you :) Hope everyone had a nice summer
01:21 27.09.2013SWE Devil Hello everyone! =P Yes,it`s me Dev. And no im not dead, I just miss this game =) I think im going to reinstall it ^_^ Cya around! Muahahaaa...
00:38 08.08.2013Agamendon hey :)
Hi to all.Because I'm new in the industry i still play NOLF.I expect anyone to a match especially on weekends.I met Bebe, Valerie, JM , Graymatter ,Shadow and Malice sometimes. I challenge other players for a match