23:51 02.02.2007Greasy Grandma
Well...Ummm i think I;m going to leave the conversation now. Hope I'll see you guys some day in the future on Nolf.
In my opinion the only legends in nolf were mafia, austin, and probably the new and "evil" GCK people.
Anyway, is Newsflash still around? And for that matter is Mclarsen still around? I think that we should find all the good ole players that used to play nolf (coop, cola, me, gunman, hungwaylow, odion, diegio, max *I LOVE THE EGO CLAN*
, Chris, softballroxx, I dont know. Just those old old players that used to play when I played.
aha... him??
what about smoker?? and when we started our 1on1, my ping was 300 then it was 1800. when it was low, i made the first kill easily... then you just had to baserape (i respawned you shot i respawed you shot...)
19:06 02.02.2007|eGo|Zombie
You'd better read my comments next time, before you say anything... and a legend , ^^ LOL you are a bit too egoistically... or not @egos?!
it was you tht asked for it so it was up to you to make it fair not me @ ego im finished with this clan i know all of you miss me because i was a legend in ego but please get over it and move on because im only focused on doa and you had your chance to get training from me because icepick is so lazy he wont help his bad ksilled players