01:41 29.01.2007|eGo|Sniper Sandra, you left my 1 vs 1 because you suicided 5 times, uber noob
i not say no... i haved no time...
excuse me you havent beaten me in a 1 vs 1 you were beating me 23-11 when the limit was to 40 and you left so iwon by defualt and i have also asked you 3 times for a 1v s 1 on nolf plus and the 3 times you have said no
but i want^^ we plays and i wins....but again??
he wont icepicks a big noob who wont 1 vs 1 me
icepick can you delete the "doa on mountain" please? it just takes too much time for my comp. to load.. my internet is scheisse^^ and it is not the world, is it? ja .. sry hab grad was in english geschrieben... ja koenntest du das loeschen.. danke... wie kann ein internet bloss so kacke sein?
ok mythix.... i live in america so i have 6 hours more than scotland because i live in central time... we would have to do it next weekend OR you have to be awake at 11:00 o'clock! because here school goes to 3:45, i am at home at 5 so: 5+6=11 :):):):)  11:00 o clock on monday ... or yeah like i said next weekend... ....... or i could ... maybe... today (28. january... ) at 8:00 your time... ok? you don't have to understand it...
i asked the lats time and you sayed no so make your mind up!!