19:24 24.01.2007
Ich hasse NOLF!!!!!!!!!!!
19:13 24.01.2007
:DDD is ja seine entscheidung! :PPP
19:07 24.01.2007
Achso is das meine member �bernehmen na warte!
18:37 24.01.2007
you guys dont bother me i only icepick has a problem with me plus my corner on the doa is mostly sarcastic only serious thing is the clan of the week part
15:43 24.01.2007
pssst, Tigereye... quit NTM and join eGo ;) :P hr bye gunman... but i dnt think that u will leave
11:28 24.01.2007
JIPPIE SCHNEE!! BIS ZU UNS RUNTER!! =) =) =) =) ... @TigerEye: The news describe when the deathmatch is, but i think it's only for EGO members ;)
10:29 24.01.2007
When is the big deathmatch?
01:16 24.01.2007
why :(?? but yeah i remember^^
00:51 24.01.2007
*sigh* idk, NOLF isnt looking good for me