No Time? No Patience? Read black text
You have some time? For more background you can
read the gey
Click here for
German/Deutsch !

Step 2) How to connect to NOLF-Server / Gaming
The "" method. (See other
methods here)
Rookie Vee, from wrote a good tutorial how to connect to
nolf servers.
Read here howto conntect to a nolf-server
Basic steps are:
- Download his programm. I recommend it do save it in the nolf
main folder.
- Execute his programm as admin
- On his webpage there is a serverlist, if you click on that "lightning"
icon you will connect to the nolf server.
Step 3) Windows Smartscreen blocks the program, How to turn it off
Only Windows 10 Creators Edition and Windows 8.1.
Windows 10 "Creators Edition": Type and search for "Windows
Defender Security Center", click on the left on "App & Browser control"
and under "Check app & files" you set it on "Off".
Try now to execute the NOLF Launcher (of course as
admin) for Vee's NOLF Status page.
Step 4) How to add maps/skins or How to add .rez files
(Portable Version needs updating the game to 1.004)
Adding maps and updating the game (updating
only portable verson) works on the same method: Adding REZ files. Click on Nolf.exe
and then on Advanced then on "Customize" and then add the following REZ

If you have the compatibilty mode on you may need to follow this step
each time when you start nolf, the solution would be to not use the
portable edition and install the game from the original CD, the original
CD's can be found at &
How to add multiplayer maps:
Download the maps from various
internetpages and move the .rez files in to the customs folder inside
your Nolf main folder. In the portable versions from above you can
already see some Ego maps. You add them to game just how you added the
Start the game! After you started the game, you
can immediatly exit the game. Now go to and click on the
server you wish to join!
Step 5)
Go back and see if some of the "General Startup Help" applies to you.
Pro & Contra:
++ |
server list with full live statistics (like player amount, and
startweapon) |
+ |
server list on website,
accessible from everywhere (computer, phone) |
+ |
Screenshots of the maps |
+ |
click on the website to join the server |
○ |
Adding maps/skins is a bit tricky
- |
New servers need
to be reported to oneoakway |
-- |
On Win 10 Creators
Edition smartscreen need to be switched off in order to make the
programm running |
Icepick |