Download the No-CD-Crack
Unzip the file, and move the "Nolf.exe" into your main folder of nolf and overwrite the existing file. If you want to keep the original nolf.exe make a backup.
Now you don't to insert/mount the CDs anymore. Note for Germans: If you want to load downloaded maps, you have to replace the original nolf.exe. The German nolf.exe
does not have the "Customize" button.
Download the game for Macintosh
/ Mac OS here:
(Unfortunatly I have no idea about macs, so you're
on your own! No player ever reported on me if it works, i asked for a
feedback but never got one back)
How to mount/load
ISO's (= CD Images)
On Windows 10, 8, 7 you simply do a
right click on the file and click "Mount". If that option is not
available you need an extra programm. The program I use to mount .iso is
"WinCDEmu", a small programm.
How to install Maps? How to add .rez Files?
Add downloaded maps (".rez files") into the "customs" folder in your
nolf main folder. If you do this for the first time you may need create
the folder "Customs".

Follow the steps shown in the picture.
Down "The
Big Nolf Mappack" by JAG (latest version from Nov
DOWNLOAD only the
JAG-Mappack (RAR Archive, you need winrar to extract!)
Nolfplus Anti-Cheat Version 1.007 by Dan from
Read here more
about it.
Here below you’ll find our Maps
made by members by the |eGo|Clan:
Mapname: Titanic
Status: BETA (but 90 % finished)
Made by |eGo|Black Cat

Mapname: Once Upon A Time In The West (inspired by a titel of a movie
(german: Spiel mir das Lied vom Tod)
Status: Finished
Made by |eGo|L.Icepick

Secret Room (inside the house): Here you can select different music
pieces and there is a button to kill all people outside!
There is also a hallway under the map, there is also a button
where you open and close the red door.! And you rise in a giant lift
over map and kill everyone from the top!
Mapname: 21 Guns (inspired by the Song 21 Guns by Greenday )
Status: Finished
Made by |eGo|L.Icepick

Name: |eGo|Club
Status: Finished
Made by |eGo|Black Cat

Name: Footy Time
Status: Finished
Map made by |eGo|ItsMe

Name: Castle Attack
Status: Finished
Map made by |eGo|ItsMe

Name: El Diabolic Home
Status: Finished
Map made by |eGo|Black Cat

Name: Floating Fight Station
Status: Finished - but only one respawn point so its going creepy &
great with many players!
Map made by |eGo|ItsMe

MAPPACK - 3 Maps:
Name: Knight Industries
(inside the game it is called "K.I.T.T. vs. K.A.A.R.") - Made by |eGo|Black Cat

Name: NightFire Florest -
Made by |eGo|Black Cat
Name: Mini Bathroom -
Made by |eGo|ItsMe
That were all maps the Ego Clan Made
(11 maps)
|eGo|Leader Icepick / John
and Founder of the Elite Gaming Organization,
June 2017