We run 3 gameservers in NOLF1 / No One Lives Forever, which are 24/7 online. On occasion we can also host in total 4-5 gameservers.
The nolfserver is currently running in Frankfurt, Germany ( ).
Current Online Status:
Click here for a live-updated serverlist of all nolf1 gameservers including players. Get also a notification when a player goes online.
Currently we're running our nolf game servers on a Windows vServer with 2 AMD Epyc cores and 2GB RAM and with a connection of 100 mbit/s.
After november 2023 we will switch to a Windows KVM Server 2019, with 6 AMD Epyc cores and 16GB RAM, and with a connection of 500 mbit/s..
An Overview of different speeds / Internet requirements of No One Lives Forever 1 NOLF-Server
Nolf Server requirements tested in real world conditions |
normal game
(10ppl) |
(10ppl) |
game (12ppl) |
map-change (12ppl) |
normal game (16ppl) |
map-change (16ppl) |
MB from RAM |
down |
KB/s |
KB/s |
KB/s |
KB/s |
KB/s |
KB/s |
49 MB |
up |
KB/s |
KB/s |
KB/s |
KB/s |
KB/s |
KB/s |
You need a minumum of 335 KB/s as
upload speed to assure lagfree gaming with 16 people on the server.
A bit of server history:
From 2006 till 2012 we had a rented Windows Server 2003 server located in Frankfurt, Germany. With a connection of 13 MB/s down and 9 MB/s up - which was really enough for NOLF, Counterstrike 1.6 and Teamspeak2 and some Websites. However it was a way too expensive to pay every month 27 € (~34 $) do I decided to take it down. Between 2012 and 2016 I hosted it on a small laptop privately and between 2018 and 2023 again privately on another laptop. It became neccessary to host it on a private computer since nolf required a 32-bit system and I could rent no-where a Windows 32-bit Server again. With the community update of nolf (going from v1.004 to v1.006) it became possible to run a nolf server on 64-Bit systems again. So since october 2023 we have a server with fast reliable internet again.

This is what happens if you enter minus points for taking pictures on HARM vs Unity gamemode. An old screenshot from 2nd Feb 2007.