No Time? No Patience? Read black text
You have some time? For more background you can
read the gey
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German/Deutsch !

Step 2) How to connect to NOLF-Server / Gaming
The "URA Master Server from SFI-Clan" method. (See
other methods here)
URA didn't write any kind of description how to
deal with his program. While it's really important to know that
it overwrites the original nolf.exe without
You can download the programm here:
You can find the programm here at
Step 3) Save original NOLF.exe
Make a copy of the original nolf.exe BEFORE installing
URA's Multiplayer! Call it like
"NOLF-original.exe". Then you can install URAs Multiplayer program.
Step 4) How to add maps/skins "How to add REZ files"
In URA's Multiplayer Programm you don't have the possibilty to
add/change maps/skins. You can only add maps/skins if you have still
have the original NOLF.exe (which we renamed in step 3 to
"nolf-original.exe"!). If you don't have it
anymore: read my manual better, and now download the game again!
1) When you install URA's Multiplayer it makes a new "Nolf.exe".
2) This new nolf.exe you rename to "nolf-multiplayer.exe".
3) Then you rename "Nolf-original.exe" to "nolf.exe".
4) (How to add maps/skins: See at step 3 on
the page before.)
5) Start the game
6) Exit the game
7) Rename "Nolf.exe" to "nolf-original.exe"
8) Rename "Nolf-multiplayer.exe" to "Nolf.exe"
This renaming procedure is necessary everytime you want to change some
of the maps/skins!
Step 5)
Go back and see if some of the "General Startup Help" applies to you.
Pro & Contra
++ |
New servers are immediatly shown (after hitting refresh). If
someone launches a new server within the past minute (you never
know :) then this will be displayed. So URA's Multiplayer works
like a Master Server substitute. |
+ |
server list (with
only minimum) live statistics. You can only see the players who
are online, the current maps and the type of the game. Actually
you don't need more, but it would be nice to see for example the
startweapon. |
- |
Loading the serverlist can take some time. It may take some
5-15seconds till you have the full server list. According to
other sources they had to click 2-3 times till they were able to
see all the servers |
- |
Server list is messy: shows offline server which are offline
since many years. You can see on the screenshot on top that
there are a bunch of old servers. Our |eGo|Servers are somehow
on the middle |
-- |
Adding maps/skins is beyond tricky. See above why! |
Icepick |