Here you’ll find our
Clanwar + Funmatch results:
[=GCK=] vs |eGo| - 09 April 2006 - 09:29pm - WON [Clanwar]
Result: 400: 329
At First we played HYDRO, the typical Clanwar map. It was very
exciting, because both teams (|eGo| and [=GCK=]), hat all the time
nearly the same results. Sometimes |eGo|was better, sometimes [=GCK=]
was better: |eGo|(Unity): 40 and [=GCK=](Harm): 45 and then few minutes
later: |eGo|(Unity): 47 and [=GCK=](Harm): 47. Both Teams were simular
good. And [=GCK=] played very good. We both spoke in TS, so every attack
was planned. It was a great match, thank you [=GCK=]
At Last we played Oasis, Oasis was very hard for [=GCK=]. Because we
used in the beginning only Briefcases, then it stands 130 to 50 ( I
think). And then we discussed (and it was a long discussing), about
using Briefcases. Then we come to an agreement that we don´t use the
briefcases anymore! But then we stand then on the hill and used the
Bacalovs and Grenade lauchners, he he. Then it was hard for us. But here
in Oasis, they played less good, but it was exciting enaugh!
Here are the Results:


[c9c] vs |eGo| - 14 April 2007 -
08:59pm - WON [Clanwar]
Result: 600: 352
1st) Round - Map:

This was one of the hardest Rounds of the Match, we made pics, and they
too! [Pic points were 2]. In the Game the Results had differences only
about 10 or 5 points (One time they had 3 points more). In the beginning
it seemed that we will loose, but we won. For us was it funny, when
[c9c]was in our base, and killed, and everybody thought "There is a[c9c]
kill him" we shoot, but there was no [c9c]. Often it takes about 40
seconds unitl we recognized: There is nobody.
2nd) Round - Map: HYDRO

I think this was our best Round of the Match, we had a good performance.
My Job was it to keep the Water clean, well when the water was clean i
took many pics, i took the first and the last pic . Often I met
[c9c]Vahibla [later she left the game].
The Main time we were on their harm towers, but they were sometimes on
our towers. And we got the Title "Case noobs".
3rd) Round - Map: CASTLE

Well on this map, some of us were tired. Because of the last round some
of us refresh their fighting spirit, and [c9c]of course too. They
atacked us more than in Hydro, and it was quite difficult for us, but we
won. And that is important.
All in allit was a good fight. It was the first time
that no one said "|eGo| Cheaters", a big respect to [c9c]. They also
played still good! Thanks for playing!
[PDS] vs |eGo| - 31 July 2009 - 10:00pm - WON [Funmatch]
Result: 276:250
It was a hard match, Hydro was very hard - it was
very hard to realize that we lost. It was hard because at first we were
ahead - okay results were "only" e.g.: 17-20 or 25-22 or 30-26. But then
PDS had more points than we, 5 points more...10 points more and then at
least in the very last minute 24 points more. PDS WON IN HYDRO

Blizzard Okay I wasnt there but i listened to Kubbi &
Alien in teamspeak...and the results were also like in hydro. I also
heard that Raven was great sniper, who confused every time my team But
we had luck (yes we had luck :rolleyes [PDS]McLarsen left the game
suddenly without informing someone, so in the last 5 minutes there were
a player ratio of 4 vs 3. We used that chance. EGO WON IN
BLIZZARD (with luck)

Oasis We changed the player ratio down to 3 vs 3
because of a missing McLarsen. It was always a little fight on the
middle-hill - about the possession of the briefcase. Raven Slash were
sniping all the time (and yes I cried loud) One person stay there and
the other ones rapes the opponent base. We were ahead all the time, the
results: 17-7 or 20-10 BUT also: 25-19, but at least: EGO WON IN

1] |eGo|ItsMe: 26 + 49 + 37 = 112
2] [PDS]Slash: 30 + 35 + 23 = 88
3] [PDS]Raven: 35 + 27 + 19 = 81
4] |eGo|Dancer: 36 + 11 + 23 = 70
5] |eGo|Icepick: 11 + // + 21 = 32
6] [PDS]Dite: 9 + 11 + 7 = 27
7] |eGo|Kubbi: 10 + 11 + // = 21
8] |eGo|Alien: // + 19 + // = 19
8] [PDS]McLarsen: 19 + // + // = 19
vs |eGo| - 17 March 2007 - 09:00pm - |eGo|Won
Result: 203-127
We played only two rounds, since we had to wait quite long until
some JAG-Players appeared.
1st) Round - Map: HYDRO

2nd) Round

[Champ] vs |eGo| - 15 Okt 2005
- Funmatch - [Champ]Won
Result: 350- 89
Nobody beats the Champ clan. Unfortunatly we have lost all information
about this match: like how many players did really participate? Anyway
the result is quite fun!
Map: Hydro

[D.O.A.] vs |eGo| - 16 Nov
2006 - Funmatch - D.O.A. Won
We have lost all information around this match too, unfortunatly we
don't know which map we played here.

That were all Matches we had :)
|eGo|Leader Icepick / John
and Founder of the Elite Gaming Organization,
February 2012,
Nijmegen, The Netherlands. |